Blue Flower

GN Solids America LLC is a branch company of GN Solids Control. As the world famous solids control and drilling waste management provider, GN Solids America LLC clients are widely located in the North America and South America area.
Since 2010, GN Solids Control has been actively attending the largesse oil show OTC. Many cutting edge solids control and drill cutting management equipments are exhibited in the OTC show. With the very fast development, GN Solids America LLC also welcoming fast grow. Until now, there have been thousands of GN Solids Control equipments as well as drill cutting management systems are provided to North America clients.
GN Solids America LLC just received a large order on the shaker screens. Now GN Solids America provides various shaker screens, such as replacement screens for Mongoose, King Cobra, VSM 300 and Derrick screens. All those shaker screens can fit in the original shakers perfectly well. GN shaker screens are purchased by some large drilling companies weekly. Due to the most cost effective characters, GN Solids Control shaker screens are selling more and more. Many drilling companies also signed a long time cooperation agreement with GN for stocking shaker screens in GN Houston warehouse.
Although GN shaker screens are selling every month, GN Solids Control tries to ship more shaker screens from our factory. Now for those well known shaker screens, GN has all of them in stock. GN-Cost-Effective-Shaker-Screen
If you have some particular needs for those not common used shaker screens, please feel free to connect with us for your demands. good shaker screen
GN Solids America LLC is always open to discuss with distributor cooperation on our shaker screens. By using GN shaker screens, drilling companies can save huge. And this also guarantees our distributor to have enough room to play on the price. If you compare the quality of GN shaker screens, and then you must be astonished by GN low cost shaker screens. GN is always devoted to provide the best quality products to clients with a cost effective price.

GN Solids Control has one branch company in Houston, TX, USA. Recently we have received two orders on the decanter centrifuges. GN Solids Control manufactures over 300 to 350 sets decanter centrifuges every year. Most of these GN centrifuges are delivered to 60 countries such as America, Canada, Mexico and some South America countries. GN decanter centrifuges are also popular in some other regions, actually they are selling vey welling in Africa and Middle East.
GN Solids Control keeps a fast speed to grow even the oil price is pretty low. GN solids control and drilling waste management systems are widely used due to they are very cost effective. Thousands of successful projects are using GN equipments. GN didn’t invest huge money on advertising, but word of mouth is the most convincing and the most valuable ad. for GN Solids Control.
More and more clients are asking for GN Solids Control equipments when they bid for some large tender. GN decanter centrifuges now are using by many large clients such as Baker Hughes, Halliburton as well as Shell etc.
GN Solids America LLC also helps GN to get many orders as there is a large warehouse in Houston, such as decanter centrifuges, shakers, mud cleaners, cuttings dryers etc. Some other equipments such as shaker screens are also stocking in Houston warehouse.

363 Decanter Centrifuge 1
Last month, GN Solids Control just got two repeated orders on decanter centrifuges from Nigeria client. Many clients in Africa also would like GN to ship equipments from GN Houston warehouse.
GN Solids Control manufactures two different kinds of decanter centrifuge: economic model and premier model. Only the premier model centrifuges are stocking in Houston in order to meet the strict demands for North America clients. But sometimes, GN decanter centrifuges in Houston or some other equipments can be also delivered from Houston to countries located in Africa or Europe and Australia.

GN Solids Control just finished the manufacturing of 3 sets Tandem shale shakers, 10 sets centrifugal pumps and 9 sets mud agitators for an old client. Although the oil price is not very satisfied for a long time, and many drilling companies stop drilling in order to cut cost and keep alive, some drilling companies are still working as the local drilling cost is pretty low.
GN got one repeated order from one old client in Africa, they purchased many solids control and drilling waste management equipments from us before. For this order, this drilling company just placed the order to GN Solids Control directly as they are pretty satisfied with the working performance and quality of GN solids control equipments. According to one operation manager from the worksite: GN Solids Control always help us cut cost largely while they provide excellent equipments and rest assured after sales service. Our workers are all happy to use GN Solids Control equipments because they don’t need to worry the equipments broke down.
1. GN Tandem Shaker
GN Solids Control manufactured some tandem shakers before which are also mainly used for oil and gas drilling. The two shakers are connected by one mud distribution box and feeding into the separate feeding box. Those two shakers are completely the same model which can be also used separately. One shaker can be used for a back up shaker in case when shaker screen need to be clean or one shaker is broke down.

2. GN Mud Agitators
GN mud agitators are effectively used for agitating the slurry and keep the fluids evenly. Solids will not fall off easily by using GN mud agitators. Now GN Solids Control also upgrade the

3. GN Centrifugal Pumps
Centrifugal pumps are largely used for fluids transferring. GN centrifugal pump is proven to working in many harsh environments with satisfied working performance.

GN Solids America LLC is one branch company of GN Solids Control. It was registered in 2013 and started its real business in 2014. Although GN Solids America LLC is a still a baby company in Houston, TX, GN has succeeded to provide thousands of solids control equipments to North America drilling companies.

GN Shaker Screen
GN Solids America LLC noticed that the oil price has went a little bit higher compared to the price in last year. Many energy companies including the drilling companies and oil & gas service companies are having a tough time due to the low oil price before. We think the now the oil production is keeping at a reasonable level, which means the production and consumption is in a force balance status. GN Composite Shaker Screen
All companies want to make money and have profit in the oil and gas develop process, so cutting cost by using the smartest method is always commonly accepted. Here comes what we will show you today, selling shaker screens always help to make money continuously.
Shaker screens are the wearable parts on solids control process, drilling companies need to throw away the old shaker screens and use new ones in order to have a better treating performance.
GN Solids Control manufactures various of shaker screens, they are widely used to replace many global shaker screens, such as GN594 shake screens are used to replace Mi-Swaco Mongoose shaker screens. Some other shaker screens like replacement screens for Derrick 500 or Derrick 2000, replacement screens for King Cobra or VSM etc are also largely manufactured by GN Solids Control.
GN Solids America is always open to discuss on the distributor on selling our shaker screens. With good quality and low cost, GN Solids Control will help you to take the market and expend your business. The more you purchase, the large discount can be given. Customized shaker screens can also manufactured. Welcome to join us and introduce the best shaker screens to America market.

GN Solids Control has been working with many drilling companies which need a lot of shaker screens for their solids and fluids separation work. With more and more companies coming to GN for shaker screens, now GN Solids America LLC has working closely to provide various shaker screens.
GN shaker screens are largely used for replacing on some well known shakers, like Derrick, Mi-Swaco, NOV etc. Due to GN also manufactures own brands shaker which are also widely used, so GN Solids Control also provides shaker screens that can be used on GNZS594 shaker, GNZS752 shaker tec. Composite Frame Shaker Screen
Now there are over 1000 pieces shaker screens are stocking in GN Houston warehouse. With many long time partners, GN Solids Control has stocking shaker screens for some clients especially. Basically, GN valued clients only need to pay for 10% guarantee deposit, and GN Solids Control will manufacture 100% value shaker screens and ship them to Houston warehouse, get them ready for delivery. So whenever GN clients need them, they will have those shaker screens delivered immediately.
With the fast growing of GN Solids America LLC, many drilling companies or trading companies are using GN shaker screens to replace their old shaker screens which usually cost huge for them especially when the oil price is fluctuating and still in a low level. By using GN shaker screens, our clients cut the cost over 60%.
For long time partners, GN will also provide discount based on their purchase quantity. The more you buy GN shaker screens, the larger discount you will have.

shaker screens
GN Solids Control also manufactures customized shaker screens based on our clients’ demands. All they need to do is provided us the size and several pictures. Customized label and package can be also provided for our clients. Welcome to visit GN Houston office and discuss on the shaker screens cooperation.