Blue Flower

In the last month, GN delivered to the mud recycling system to Singapore. Which be used to treat the mud for tunnel boring. As we all know that GN has the full experience on the solids control industry. Our equipment and system have served many drilling ,trenchless,tunnel boring project .The very famous project is the 5.2km HDD trenchlessproject for Hong Kong Airport, which success set the world's longest record for directional drilling crossing engineering at that time. We are so honored to take part in this project and GN equipment showed the excellent performance to guarantee the success.

 Tunnel Bording Mud System

After we shared these successful case with our Singapore clients. They decide to GN as the supplier to provide the whole set solution of the mud treatment for the tunnel boring project. Frankly,this project is not complex for us and our technical team give out the technical proposal in a short time , and the proposal got the approved by client after small revising .Our full experience and technical support make the project processing runs very quickly.

Tunnerl boring mud system

Last month we shipped the mud recycling system from our plant. It is a system with treatment capacity 1000gpm. We added the decanter centrifuge and chemical dosing unit to the system. The two equipment are used to separate the very small particle.Sometimes the tiny particle is hard to remove ,We have to combine them into the bigger size particle .The chemical dosing can add the flocculant ad mixed with slurry to make the tiny particle bigger. Then material will be feed into the Decanter centrifuge by screw pump ,the solids will be removed under the high centrifuge force generated by the high rotated speeding.

If you also have the project need solids-liquid separation, welcome to contact us . We will be pleased to provide the technical support and also equipment.We will share more things about the Singapore tunnel boring project after project starting.  

Centrifuge is one kind equipment that used for the solids-liquid sepration . It has wide application in different industrious ,such as the energy, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and so on.Through the high rotated speed ,the solids and liquid contain in the material will be separated.Higher density solids will sink to the bottom and lower density liquid will be on the top layer.This is the centrifuge principal of separate. According to the different G force ,the centrifuge can be classed into low speed and high speed .Such as the Disc centrifuge belong the high speed and G force bigger than 10000G. Under such the big G force ,even the material with little different density can be separated, so the Disc centrifuge is mainly used to extract some material,such as protein,chemical etc.But we should noticed that the solids content of feeding material should less than 3%.

solids-liquid separation

In most time, we will use decanter centrifuge to separate the material first, Which is one kind low speed centrifuge,the G force between 2000 to 3000 G,the feature is that decanter centrifuge can treat the material with 20% solids content. Most of the particle between 2-5um will be separate under this G force.So it is good choose to treat material firstly between feed into disc centrifuge.

solids-liquid separation

When we select the centrifuge model, we should know some data about the material. Such as the solids content, the particle size,the treating capacity, then we can know which model is suitable. Sometimes we also need the other flocculant to assist to get the separation purpose,the flocculant can combine the tiny solids into bigger and convince to separate. For some separation project ,which is a complex process, which need a whole set solution. GN solids control has the full experience of separation on the drilling mud,waste water treatment,mining slurry,soil remediation etc. If you have these demand, welcome to contact us.

As we all know GN headquarter is located in China. From the day that GN Solids was built, We focus on provide the high quality products and equipment to customer. We built branch in Houston,that is GN Solids America. The responsibilty of GN Solids America is to well know the American customers’demand to the quality and then transfer the feedback to GN HQ to help us upgrade our products. So GN equipment produced with America standard and take the advantage of China low cost. For the past several years,the labor of GN Solids America do the good job and GN Solids get the good reputation from American customer.

The COVID-19 is getting more serious in US. We asked all our US colleague stay at home , and reduce the renecessary out going. Actually we had require our people do that in March. It is usefull and pretect our worker well and no one get virus. All daily work was completely through internet. We have meeting with China HQ at 8 am everyday to talk about the work things. It workes well and all goods was delivery to America customer in time. It is really a awesome team we are.Some times we got the customer calling that they are worried that the goods can not delivery on time, We can understand that. We guarante all the goods will be delivery as we said. Last we ship 2 sets centrifuge to houston, and 1000D mud recycle system to Singapore.

As we all know the face masks is urget in US, So GN HQ sent thousands medical face masks from China to Houston to protect our colleague. And we also contacted our customer who need masks. Hundreds of face masks were sent to our customer from GN Solids America every week. We are happy that we can help someone, And hope everyone stay in health.



 After a long period of use, the mud tank will deposit thick solids on the wall of the storage tank. This sludge is difficult to separate and need a lot of labor to clean manually. GN automatic tank cleaing system is specially developed to clean the drilling mud tanks.

tank cleaning

 GN automatic Tank cleaning system is main high pressure water pump, include vacuum pump ,chemical dosing system ,shale shaker ,inclate plate clarifier ,Decanter centrifuge.The following is the system work process.

1,The high pressure pump will supply clean water to the tank cleaning equipment  ,which  will jet the water to separate the sludge from tank.

2,GN vacuum pump can directly pump the sludge from the tank, and mixed the chemical with the slurry in the sticker tank .Then feed to the inclated plate clarifier。

3,The IPC (Inclated plate clarifier) has the special construct inside, which can settle the solids down the bottom.

4,The solids will be dischared by membranepump, and the will be pump to the water tank for reusing.

The system is automatic and water is recycling.For some tank that store the oil base mud, when we use this system to celan them ,we need to add the Oil Water separator. The oil water separatoe has the speciall constract inside. It separate oil and water by gravity straification.It is equipped with detachable coalescer,the oily waste water enters into the coalescer,separate the oil and water ,then the oil flows to the oil chamber, the water flows to the water champer .The tank design allowed to the fluids to stay in the tank for a reasonable time to ensure the complete separation of oil and water. After separate the oil will be recovery and water can be used for the cleaning again.

oil water separator

It is easy ,quick and high workable system for tank cleaning , if you want to know more,welcome to contact us.

In the market,there are many different kinds pump and conveyor to transfer different liquid and solids ,Such as the centrifuge pump used to pump water ,the screw conveyor can transfer material with low liquid content . But for some slurry material ,these equipment are not workable . GN Slurry vacuum pump is specially develop for the slurry with high solids content . It is a type of pneumatic pump that sucks thematerial with vacuum produced by air operation, and then converts to positive pressure for discharging.Not only the slurry, it is also high performance to transfer  firsome small size solids. In some special project sites,such as oilweel drilling , mining, these palce always generate amounts of sludge. The normal pump is hard to transfer these special sludge with high viscosity .GN vacuum pump can directly suck these material ,and the most transfer distance can reach 1000 meters, The most deep of suction can be 40meters .

vacuum pump

For different demand, We have 10B,20B,40B these 3 different models for different capactity. The big capacity means you need to match with big air compressor. But it is still the most popular model, Especially in mining industry these have the big quantity sludge need to transfer every day.

The slurry vacuum pump is completely drived by air. So an air compressor is possible. 4.3m3/min air source for 10B model, 8m3/min for 20B, 17m3/min for 40B.

For different industry , we can select the special material for the pump. We will choose the 304 steel for the food industry, and anti-corrosion steel for the chemical industry. So it is more widely used.

The vacuum pump also can be used to clean the drilling derrick ,mainfold,mud tank...Just install the speciall suction nozzel, the podwer, sludge ,sands can be directly sucked and get the purpose of cleaning. If you want to know more about this pump , feel free to contact us.

vacuum pump