Blue Flower

Solids vacuum pump is one of the most featured equipment of GN solid control company. Different with other pump, this pump is driven by high pressure for the high solids content material transfer. Last week we completed the manufacture of vacuum for drilling waste handing.

Drilling waste main include the drill cutting discharged from shall shaker,or Decanter centrifuge. It more likes sludge, the normal pump is no way to transfer them because the low liquidity. especial the oil base drill cutting, which is high viscosity. The vacuum pump can directly suck them and transfer them in long distance. The suck power is provided by the vacuum condition of pump tank. The venturi structure of pump will suck out the air inside of pump tank and generate a vacuum space, and then the pipe can suck material through the pipe. After the pump tank filled enough material ,the air will fill into pump tank , and push the material out of pump and discharge out.

Except the high solids content sludge, GN vacuum pump almost can win the transfer of some powder material ,such as sand, metal power etc. The install position is not limited by explosion proof, because there is no electrical component in the pump and all was driven by air.

For currently, we have 4 models with different transfer capacity, they are 40B,20B,10B and 05B. The number of each model standard the transfer capacity of water in one hour. For example, the 40B means the pump can transfer 40m3 clean water in one hour. However the actual capacity is vary, because the material viscosity, liquidity ,solids content and also solids size all these will affect the pump performance. Sometime the altitude also affect pump, because the air pressure of high altitude is lower, which means the pump suck power will be weak.

If your project have demanded on these equipment, welcome to contact us. We will be pleased to quote.