Blue Flower

GN Solids Control manufactures thousands of shaker screens every year. GN shaker screens are delivered to over seventy-two countries and regions until now, almost all the large drilling companies are using GN shaker screens.
Now there are 2 types of common seen shaker screens in the market: one type if metal frame screens and the other type is composite frame screens. GN Solids Control shaker screen factory were manufacturing metal frame screens, while now GN Solids Control is mainly focused on manufacturing composite frame shaker screens.
GN Solids Control has done hundreds of compare tests: same drilling rig, two parallel shakers fixed with metal frame screens and composite frame shaker screens separately. All the testing reports show GN made composite frame screens are much better than metal frame screens. Actually, GN Solids Control also did some compare tests by using GN made composite screens and OEM metal frame screens, the testing results are still the same. So why GN made composite frame screens are much better than those OEM metal screens? GN Shaker Screens
1. GN composite frame screen has larger effective using area
Due to the structural difference, GN made composite frame screens are using less supporting frame, so the effective using area is larger than metal frame screens. As we all know, a larger treating area also means a larger treating capacity.
2. GN composite frame screen is pre-tensioned
Most shaker screens manufacturers not pretension wire cloth before heat press. On the other side, wire cloth is much easier to glue on the composite frame screen panel if you compared with metal and metal glue.
3. Composite frame has a better cushion character
When the composite frame screens are fixed on the shaker deck, composite frame will eat some crash force due to composite is more flexible.
GN Screens are using the same wire cloth vendor as Mi-Swaco and Derrick. GN Solids Control also hired one USA third party to test GN made screens in order to strictly conform to API RP13 C standard.