Blue Flower

This is an un-complete list of Water Powered DTH Hammer Suppliers. 

1. Wassara:

Since Wassara products are water-powered, drilling through water-rich formations is obviously never a problem. But, actually, Wassara hammers go effortlessly through almost any material, from boulders to wood to dense clay, easily, cost-effectively, and quickly.

Wassara water hammers consume up to 80% less energy versus most air-powered drilling waste management systems. Our tools also last far longer due to the very low upward water velocity required.

Because only pure water is used to power our hammers – and no oil is needed for lubrication – no damaging emissions are produced. No oil gets into the groundwater; no dust gets into the air, resulting in a cleaner, safer, work environment.

Water Powered DTH Hammer Definition:

What is DTHand How is it Used? The “Down the Hole” or DTH hammer is used for drilling holes through a wide range of rock types, the variety of which continues to extend well beyond the original conception of early blast hole drilling.

“Down the Hole” refers to where the hammer action occurs when compared to drifter hammers, which hammer on top of the drill string. The DTH hammer piston always makes direct contact with the drill bit, and there is generally no loss of transmitted energy as the hammer drills deeper, as is the case with drifter (top hammer) rigs.

Halco Rock Tools Ltd.

Halco Rock Tools Ltd. is a world class manufacturer of down the hole (DTH) drilling equipment. Halco pioneered the development and distribution of DTH hammers in the 1950s, and now their precision-engineered range of performance hammers and drill bits is used globally. Predominantly used for mining, DTH is preferred in other applications such as construction, quarrying, formation sampling, and the drilling of water wells.

Cubex Water Actuated DTH Hammer Drills

ACT was awarded the Chicagoland Underflow Plan (CUP) McCook Reservoir Grout Test project by the Chicago District, USACE, in 2003. The Specifications required that both “Rotary drilling or rock coring shall only use water as circulating fluid. Percussion drilling shall use water in addition to air as the circulating fluid. Other drilling methods for this portion of the work may be proposed by the Contractor in the RFP for approval by the Government.” After thoroughly review the available Down-the-hole (DTH) drilling techniques, ACT proposed the use of water DTH (W) hammer, the first time adoption and application in the drilling and grouting industry in North American.