Position of the control cabinet for the Flocculant Unit
Is this the Final Position or you’re waiting for the Final Drawings ? It won’t be very comfortable to climb over or on the Flocculant pump to adjust there something. - Flow Meter (Slurry and Flocculant) Where you want to place them ?
Pipes to the Decanter Centrifuge
The Pipe for the Slurry from the Feed Pump to the Decanter / Centrifuge I cannot see. The Pipe for the Flocculant from Pump to Decanter / Centrifuge goes over the entrance door ? If it’s placed over the door, please make sure it’s a welded stainless steel pipe without any interrupting or a PP Pipe fixed with glue at the bows but please not any connection over the entrance. Fix it properly at the container wall in case of shaking from the centrifuge. And before you connect it to the Inlet Pipe of the centrifuge place a shock absorber in between also for the slurry feed Pipe. -
Chamber outside
The chamber out side in the height of the decanter / centrifuge, what is this ? Is this perhaps the air outlet over filter ? If this is the case, place instead of a chamber a jalousie. -
Air Condition
The Position at the Decanter / Centrifuge won’t be a good. It’s the hottest place in the container but we want to get rid of the high humidity near the Flocculant unit. I would say place it there. Either same position like now only opposite side at the Container door, not at the small door or on the long side in the middle of the flocculant unit. -
Balance Points
Place signs or mark them somehow where the Balance Points are for every unit what has to be lifted for transport or later on jobsite. -
Floor of Container
The floor inside the container can be cleaned easily (perhaps drainage to one side). Because normally the floor is a little bit lower then entrance doors. If this is the case, we should have the possibility to clean it up with pressurized water in between. (Slurry, Dirt from Jobsite) Marking of Pieces to be connected Pipes, Electrical connections, Lights, Ladders, Handrail etc. should be marked (what belongs where) for easy assembling.
- Details
Published: 24 August 2014